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Black Mountains H.O.G.®
& By-Laws

Chapter Charter

Operating Procedures


The Black Mountains Chapter Wales (Number 8090) is an officially recognised H.O.G.® Chapter, affiliated with H.O.G.' UK. The Sponsoring Dealer of the Chapter is:

Swansea Harley-Davidson, Garngoch Industrial Estate, Phoenix Way, Gorseinon, Swansea, SA4 9HN. 

Chapter Structure:

The Chapter Director acts on the Dealer Principle / Chapter Manager's behalf.



All members must agree to abide by the H.O.G.® Annual Chapter Charter, Chapter Operating Procedures and Code of Conduct and sign the annual membership application form, which contains the membership release. By not signing the yearly membership application form and/or not having a current H.O.G.® membership, you relinquish the right to be a Chapter member.


Membership runs from 1" January to 31s' December of the same year.



Chapter Members must be either:

The registered owner of a Harley-Davidson motorcycle and a current Full Member of H.O.G.'®, or

his / her spouse / partner / other family member, and a current Associate Member of H.O.G.®,


Where both members (spouse / partner) are owners of Harley-Davidson motorcycles, and are confirmed full members of H.O.G.', they may apply for Joint Chapter Membership. The second full member benefits from payment of a reduced annual Chapter membership fee. This fee is identical to that paid by members who are Associate Members of H.O.G.®.


All Members:

have access to all events, open and closed.

have voting rights at the Chapter's AGM and at other times, where necessary.



Guests (principally family members or friends) may attend, by invitation of a Member of the Chapter. Guests are not members of the Chapter or of H.O.G.’ and are not entitled to any of the benefits of Chapter or H.O.G.’ membership, including the wearing of any H.O.G.’ Chapter pins or patches or any similar items, or clothing made specifically for the Chapter. Each Chapter Member may bring ONE guest to Closed events (as defined in the Chapter's Annual Programme of Activities). The spirit, which applies to inviting a guest, is that he / she is a casual attendee and comes along only occasionally as a guest of a Chapter member to Black Mountains Chapter Wales events. Instances of our members taking advantage of inviting "guests" would be addressed on a case-by-case basis.


Where a Black Mountains Chapter Wales event involves making a group booking, or where the number of participants is limited, Black Mountains Chapter Wales members will be given preference, before opening it up to the guest of an Black Mountains Chapter Wales member. Furthermore, as stated above, guests are not entitled to any of the benefits of Chapter or H.O.G.' membership. Accordingly, a guest should not expect to benefit from any group-booking discount offered to Black Mountains Chapter Wales members.


It is the responsibility of the Chapter member to ensure that his / her guest complies with the above.

If a guest is a pillion on any ride, he / she must sign a release form before that ride-out leaves the start point. If a guest is riding his / her own motorcycle, he / she must sign a release form before that ride-out leaves the start point.


H.O.G. members, who are potential members of the Chapter:

H.O.G. members, who are not members of the Chapter, are most welcome to attend any of our Closed events (at the specific invitation of a Chapter Member). It is the responsibility of the individual who has invited the H.O.G. member to ensure that he / she either becomes a member of Black Mountains Chapter Wales in a timely manner, or that he / she does not continue to attend further Chapter activities.


If a H.O.G. member attends a Black Mountains Chapter Wales ride-out, with or without an accompanying pillion, he / she, or they, must sign a release form before that ride-out leaves the start point. Furthermore, H.O.G.® Chapters exist for the collegiality of Harley-Davidson motorcycle riders. Therefore, any "guests" or "HOG members, who are potential members of the Chapter", who have been invited, by a Black Mountains Chapter Wales member, to join a ride-out, must be riding a Harley-Davidson or Buell.


Multiple H.O.G ' Memberships:

Members may join as many chapters as they wish. However, membership of another chapter, other than the Black Mountains Chapter Wales 8090, may lessen the eligibility of becoming a chapter officer of Black Mountains Chapter Wales as a conflict of interest could occur.

Primary Positions:



The Director is:

Chosen by the Dealer Principal from the Committee (A statutory one year minimum served on the Committee, where possible is required).


The Director will remain in office:

Until he / she either stands down, or is asked to do so by the Dealer Principal (subject to review, with opinion being taken from the Committee Members).


After his / her term of office, upon stepping down, the Director should be available as a mentor / consultant for the new Director for a period of one year. This is a non-Committee position.



The Director will appoint up to three Assistant Directors from the Committee, whom he / she feels will support him / her during his / her term of office. The post of Assistant Director will be given with the proviso that this person would be willing to be considered for the role of Director if this were offered in the future. These positions will generally be for a minimum period of 2 years and held in conjunction with the term of office of the current Director who chose them. The Director must gain agreement from the sponsoring dealer for all Assistant Director appointments.



The positions of Chapter Secretary, Treasurer, Head Road Captain & Activities Officer will be appointed from within the Committee by the Dealer Principal / Chapter Manager and Director, as the roles of Secretary and Treasurer require specialist knowledge and an understanding of the Chapter and H.O.G.' articles and the roles of Head Road Captain and Activities Officer are considered key functions of the Chapter.


These posts will be held:

For a minimum of 2 years or until they either stand down or are asked to do so by the Dealer Principal or Director


All Primary Officers will remain in post for the Duration of the Director's Term in Office. With each change of Director, there will be the opportunity to replace the Primary Officer Post holders. Should a Primary Officer resign from his / her position mid-term, a replacement will be appointed by the Current Director and will serve for the remainder of that Director's term in office.


After his / her term of office, upon stepping down, the Chapter Secretary, Treasurer, Head Road Captain & Activities Officer should be available as mentors / consultants for the new Primary Officers for a period of one year. These are non-Committee positions.


The following Committee positions will be filled by nomination. Nominations will be invited from the Chapter membership TWELVE WEEKS prior to the AGM. All nominations will then be reviewed at the next available Committee meeting to ensure that all applicants have the best interests of the Chapter at heart. This will ensure that anyone who has been excluded from the Chapter previously, or who has a conflict of interests, will not be invited to pursue their nomination at the AGM. Following agreement from the Dealer Principal, the incumbent Director will discuss with any nominee who is not invited to go through to the election process at the AGM, the grounds upon which their nomination has been declined. The decision of the Committee is final and there is no process of appeal.


Discretionary Officers positions elected on an annual basis are:


Ladies of Harley Officer


Safety Officer



Web Master

Charity Co-ordinator


Appointment to these roles for a period of one year (with the option of standing for re-election), is to ensure that members wishing to take on such responsibilities recognise that it is a long-term commitment and that this period in office provides continuity in the running of the Chapter. Should a discretionary officer resign from his / her position midterm, then a replacement will be appointed by the current Director and will serve for the remainder of the Chapter year until the AGM, at which point they can submit their nomination should they wish to do so.


All members of the Chapter are eligible to apply for a position on the Committee, provided that they are fully paid up members of both H.O.G.' and Black Mountains Chapter Wales. Nominations should be made in writing prior to the AGM for any of the discretionary officer positions providing that:


  • The member has no conflict of business interest towards the sponsoring dealer.

  • The member holds no committee position within any other motorcycle club.


Election to Discretionary Positions:

This will be by closed postal vote (by Full and Associate Chapter / H.O.G.' Members). Ballot forms, stating the voter's Black Mountains Chapter Wales membership number, must be received at the Dealership (Swansea Harley-Davidson) by the date notified to all members (normally ONE week prior to the AGM). The eligibility of each ballot form will be checked against the list of current Black Mountains Chapter Wales Full / Associate membership numbers by the Chapter Secretary. The votes then counted by independents. The winner will then be declared by the Chapter Director by the close of the AGM. One vote only is permitted per member.


Past Officers - Upon completion of an individual's full years term of office, he / she would be eligible to receive and wear a H.O.G.' ‘Past Officer’ patch.

Committee Meetings:

Meetings will be held throughout the year to discuss and plan the day-to-day running of the Chapter. Committee meetings will normally be held on a bi-monthly basis at Swansea Harley-Davidson.


The Committee may appoint small sub-committees, including both Committee and Non-Committee members. The role of the sub-committees is to assist officers within specific areas and to make suggestions to the Chapter Committee. These areas may include - Chapter social activities; the riding programme for the year; editorial matters for the Chapter magazine and the annual Chapter rally.

Meeting Attendees:

The Chapter Director other Primary and Discretionary Officers and whenever possible the Chapter Manager.


At every meeting minutes are taken by the Chapter Secretary. Minutes of Committee meetings can be made available to Chapter members upon request.


The Chapter Treasurer will liaise with the Dealerships accountant who will arrange for an audit of the Chapter accounts, which will be made available to all members at the Chapter AGM. All expenditure requires prior agreement from the sponsoring dealer.  A full set of the audited accounts along with the backup paperwork / evidence will be maintained at the Dealership.


Road Captains / Marshals:

Road Marshals and Road Captains will be chosen by the Head Road Captain. They must also have gone through a process of selection; Ideally, they should have satisfactorily completed a motorcycling proficiency course / test approved by H.O.G. e.g. Bike Safe, Riders Edge or an approved IAM course. 


  • They are appointed on a yearly basis.

  • They must organise at least one ride-out per season and help on other rides when asked to do so.

  • They must wear high visibility tabards when undertaking their role.

  • Ride-outs to be conducted in accordance with all relevant road traffic legislation



  • The Chapter requires all of its members to treat everyone with value and respect, regardless of their race, nationality, ethnic origin, disability or sex.

  • The Chapter expects all members to show tolerance, and to respect the beliefs and views of others, even if they are not in line with their own.

  • Honour the Chapter Charter and By-laws.


This Code of Conduct applies to members, not only whilst attending Black Mountains Chapter Wales events, but also in their out-of-Chapter activities, in so far as these relate to H.O.G. Harley-Davidson Dealers, other chapters, or any other situation directly related to the Black Mountains Chapter Wales and Harley-Davidson.

THESE OPERATING PROCEDURES REFER SPECIFICALLY TO THE BLACK MOUNTAINS CHAPTER WALES AND ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE AND OR AMENDMENT FOLLOWING CONSULTATION WITH H.O.G.® UK. The sponsoring dealer retains the exclusive right to make or veto changes relating to any and all activities and memberships within the Black Mountains Chapter Wales.

Disciplinary and Complaints Procedure:


As a family-oriented Motorcycle club, it is important that members feel that they are safe to attend events and activities without fear for their own personal well being or that of their families. In the event that any member should exhibit behaviour which is antisocial, disruptive or disrespectful of the culture or viewpoint of other Chapter members, or in contravention of the ethos of the Chapter and / or H.O.G.®, then the following complaints procedure will be followed, in order to deal fairly with any such incidents; A complaint(s) should be put in writing to the Chapter Director.


The Director will write to the member about whom the complaint has been made and make that person aware of the accusations brought against him/her.  The member will then have 14 days in which to make a written reply.  (If the member chooses not to reply, a decision will be made based on the information already received).  The Director in consultation with the Dealer Principal may hold a formal discussion with the member and will then make a decision based on all the information received.  A letter giving details of the decision will be forwarded to the member against whom the allegations were made.  This decision is final and there is no appeal.


Action taken against any member exhibiting antisocial behaviour, which is in direct opposition to the ethos of the Chapter, H.O.G.' or basic human rights will range from a formal warning to expulsion from the Chapter.


In the event that a decision is made to suspend or revoke a membership of the Chapter, the person in question will receive a letter from the Dealer Principal confirming the Cancellation. This letter will give the reason for the cancellation in clear concise terms. The member's Chapter fees for that year will be refunded, and a copy of the cancellation letter will be sent to the UK Country H.O.G.® Manager.  ​(Approved by Sponsoring Dealer, Swansea Harley-Davidson & Black Mountains Chapter Wales Primary Committee, November 2015).

Chapter Charter By-Laws

Additional amendment Added 2019 : 

 a) Members are expected to ride a Harley-Davidson motorcycle when participating in

Chapter ride outs and events. In the event of a breakdown or an unexpected circumstance

that would prevent this the Chapter Director or Head Road Captain can waive this


b) Members attending official Chapter Rides/Events are expected to travel together with the

group to and from the event unless it is otherwise communicated that members may make

their own way.

c) Members who attend a H.O.G. Road Captain course will be expected to pay their own way

in the first instance. The following costs will be reimbursed by the Chapter after 12 months

and, if in that time the member has successfully organised and completed 3 ride outs/events:

- Training fee

- Meals

- Fuel

- Overnight accommodation if applicable



Additional By Laws scheduled  for review January / February 2020 

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